Berowra RSL Club or Club Berowra as we are known is a family-oriented club with strong ties to our local community.

We provide support for many diverse local community groups, schools, and sporting clubs.

Due to recent changes to the guidelines from the Office of Liquor & Gaming (OLGR) we will now be using the ClubGRANTS program.

What is ClubGRANTS?

ClubGRANTS is a shared State Government and club industry program which provides support for local community services and development requirements.

Each year Clubs in NSW provide grants totaling more than $100 million to local groups.

ClubGRANTS funding is broken down into 3 categories.

Category 1 funding focuses on specific community welfare as well as social services and community development. It also includes community health services, as well as employment assistance activities.

Category 2 funding is for general community development and support activities, such as junior sport/grassroots sport or veteran welfare activities.

Category 3 finding is available to support projects that assist communities with essential infrastructure and disaster readiness.

Am I eligible to receive a ClubGRANTS donations?

To be eligible to apply, you must be a not-for-profit organisation and provide the following project and/or services: - community welfare or social services, - community development, - community health services or employment assistance activities. You are also eligible if you or your organisation is involved in community or professional sport.

CLUBGRANTS are currently Closed and will Open 1st February2024.

How do I apply?

Applications for the Hornsby Shire ClubGRANTS are available online only at

For assistance and enquiries please call Sue Downing on 9847 6889 or email